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No.14727833 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/, I'm looking for some help on creating a Tamriel setting for D&D 3.5. I'm mainly concerned with transferring over setting and fluff, not mechanics. I know that there may be some better roleplaying systems for Elder Scrolls, and I'm not interested in creating a hybrid game system. 3.5 is what me and my friends have, so that's what we'll be using.

That said, I would like some help with the mechanics of Elder Scrolls that I DO need to port over. I'm trying to balance birthsigns, races, and maybe modify some classes of D&D.

So far, I've done the most with Birthsigns; I'm thinking of making them additional feats that are taken at first level. I need opinions to help me balance them, I don't want any of them to be over-powered, but I want to make them still somewhat useful as the players level. Converting the arcane starsigns to work with spells per day has given me the biggest headache. I'll post what I've got so far.

Also, I've found a few internet sources of trying something similar, but many of them focus on changing core game mechanics too much, or the races & birthsigns seem broken as hell.