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[7 / 1 / ?]

FLOW rpg

No.14734830 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, /tg/, I'd like to share with you a little homebrew system.
It's quick and simple, but I don't think it's too interesting.
It's based on 2 stats, Depth and Flow.
A sub stat of Flow is Current.

Depth is Resolve/Health/Resistance, It's basically your resistance to outside forces, be they physical, mental or social.

Flow is the ability to put pressure on others and make them bend to your will. Your strength and charisma, or whatever you need.

Flow dice are d4, Depth are d6.

Currents are your specialties. you get a 2 dice bonus to Flow rolls using that specialty. Can be used to simulate Stats like most conventional games. You get 4 Currents.

Combat is Flow vs Flow, then whoever succeeds tests Flow vs Depth. The loser has the difference between the two opposing stats subtracted from it. I.E Flow 6 vs Depth 5, Depth wins. Flow loses 1 dice.