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Christianity in Homebrews

No.14735793 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How often does /tg/ use Christianity, either thinly veiled or full-on in its homebrew settings? What about Christian symbols or concepts placed into a new context? If you use a Christianity-esque religion, do you have God as an active being, or out playing celestial tennis?

In my own setting, I use the Church of Avatus, basically medieval Catholicism altered to incorporate specific events, races, and people in my campaign, which has replaced older pagan beliefs in the civilized world. I find it provides a good shorthand for my players, who are all already familiar with Judeo-Christian belief, and that they can more effectively roleplay because there is a vast repository of dogma for them base their characters beliefs on or to oppose. Maybe its just my group, but notions of sin, sacrifice for others, etc. seem more 'real' to them when presented through the lens of faux-Christianity than when seen through worship of Pelor or Morr or somesuch.