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[37 / 9 / ?]

No.14739767 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/tg/, why do you care about Warhammer 40k, when there are REAL LIFE factions that hate each other just as much and that YOU CAN ACTIVELY TAKE PART IN!

Why sit there, read the various Thoughts for the Day like "A Reasonable argument is Heresy," when you could be IN /v/ RIGHT NOW arguing over which console is superior, with more disregard for any logic or reason than any Imperial religious figure could even hope to match.

You want factions? You got them, you got three!

>what anon what about obscure factions I can hipster all over for?

YOU GOT IT! Just talk about how great the Dreamcast is!

>but anon I want to paint

pffffffft fag

>but anon who was phone