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[7 / 1 / ?]

No.14742345 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, one of the most definite ways to derail a thread is to mention "fun". That term is thrown around a lot; people that dislike a certain game may not merely claim that it is not fun, but that its fans are opposed to the idea of fun, and that tends to snowball. Still, even though we may not agree on what it is, virtually everyone suggests that this is the goal of every game: to have fun.

Can we give an objective definition? And, before someone correctly states that fun is subjective, let me note that taste is also subjective, yet we can more or less understand what it means for a food to be "tasty" to someone. If a food is tasty is subjective, but what "tasty" means is not. I posit to you that it is the same with "fun".

All I'm saying is that perhaps we should ask ourselves what "fun" and "having a good time" really mean insteand of throwing them around as buzzwords. Even if we disagree on what is fun, perhaps we can agree on what fun is.

So, tell me, /tg/; what is "fun" in tabletop games?