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[13 / 1 / ?]

!TArEnqOgDc No.14751383 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm reading up on the Voyager space probes.

I don't know how many of you realize that the Voyager probes are both on the edge of the Heliosphere.

The Heliosphere is where the solar winds of our sun, grow weak enough that they are battered back by intersteller space. Think of it like waves crashing upon a shore. our solar winds are the waves, and the rest of space is the shore.

I can't work it out in my head right now. But I have the...beginnings of what could potentially be some sort of awesome sci-fi concept using the heliosphere. Like... What if outside of he heliosphere, many things that we take for granted are different? The very laws of physics perrhaps? Or what if like Space 1889, there's some sofrt of Ether there. Perhaps in the place that mankind has never actually reached ( yet! ) here is some sort of substance that is condusive to FTL travel.

I'm not sure. All I know is that it's 3am, and I would love hearing about your wierd, incomplete RP/game ideas or hell. Just random meanderings.