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[5 / 1 / ?]

No.14774668 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would you homebrew rules for statting child PCs, /tg/?

I'm thinking of running a game of CoCBRP, using Terry Gilliam's Tideland as a jumping off point. Setting in brief:
>The party's single parent takes them out to an abandoned farmhouse in rural Texas
>The single parent OD's on Heroin
>The party has to fend for themselves, making use of abandoned bric-a-brac to survive and investigate what's going on around them
>The closest house contains a mentally defective who tries to recruit the party into hunting The Monster Shark
>The Monster Shark is a train

So, how would you balance giving the players the physical/mental stats of children with it still being fun?

Easymode: D&D instead of CoCBRP