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[13 / 4 / ?]

No.14775329 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, /tg/ I have an idea for elves.

In the beginning, well the other beginning but that's too long of a story, the Gods sought to recreate the first race, made by the Creator. But of course being egotistical pricks that they are and not actually having much of a clue as to how the Creator created the first race, they winged it while also adding characteristics that would improve on said race.

Thus were created the elves by the God and Goddess of Nature, a pair of wolf Gods. Now, things were going swell for a while, the elves worshiped and the Wolves bestowed blessing on the worthy. After a couple of thousand years, the God and Goddess decided to give the elves special powers. The ability to transform and become more like wolves. Essentially lycanthropes.

The elves were totally cool with this and thus the process began. The God would link with all the elf males and the Goddess with all the females. The God began the link but just as he began bestowing his blessing, his mate was murdered by the God of Rage, Blood and Murder. The death of his mate drove grief and anger into the great God and he transformed his essence, becoming an enormous, rabid wolf and in his fury, eating the God who slew his mate. Thus the once benevolent God of Nature absorbed the aspects of Rage, Blood and Murder. He severed the link between himself and the elves and ran off into the cosmos with his mate on his back.

Part 1