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[7 / 1 / ?]

No.14775343 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, /tg/, I've got a D&D 3.5 campaign idea I want to run by you guys.

Basically, I'll have the players stat up themselves. I figure a max total stat bonus of +6 should stop people from just being "lol I'm god at anything" without me having to tell them that no, they don't have that much Int and they're actually an idiot. I also figure that I can bring the players who are modest and stat themselves up with less up to that amount, and have a good baseline.

Anyway, the players wake up in the middle of a forest, with only the possessions they'd normally have on hand during the middle of the day. When they find civilization, holy crap it's dwarves and orcs and stuff. Eventually, they find a wizard who tells them that he called them here from their world to serve as heroes. He explains that there's a great evil threatening the world, and that they need to bring him the Sacred Something-or-Others.

Once the players grab them all and bring them to him, he explains that he actually brought them into the world to test his ability to break the walls between worlds, and that the whatevers they just brought him will allow him to shatter them completely and become a god. They go to stop him, climactic final battle etc., and everything's good... until they realize that the only way to get home is to do the very thing he was seeking to do, shatter the wall between our world and the world they're in now.

It's a pretty rough idea, but any insight would be greatly helpful. One thing I'd like to do is let players speak in-game languages if they know foreign languages. Common is going to be English, simply because it's going to be an English-language game. I also considered German = Orcish and Latin = Draconian, but that's about it.

tl;dr: Players get sucked into D&D world, need to prevent wizard from becoming God.

Pic kinda related, but it's not like I want to really steal things from the cartoon.