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[5 / 1 / ?]

No.14777412 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear /tg/

How do you think life with a near automated labor force work out?

I was planning to run a game with one of the locals being a giant mobile (giant spidery legs) mining city that has its entire mining industry run by warforged-like sentience golems.

Also a reason why it might of been abandoned until the heroes or someone else unwittingly activates it. Just for flavor, I have the place built by a non violent dwarf-raised artificer (never applied tech to weapons. Just let the fools who make war go at it with clubs and blades and be done with it) they had met on previous characters a century before. (we often have our characters become part of the history). The golems tend to revere him as a father figure, him being protective of his creations, but no one has seen him since. They aren't sure if he just up and disappeared or is deep in the steamworks of the machine-city.