Alright, let's see if I read that right; keep in mind, it's like four in the morning where I am, so I am a bit off-game.
>>19512935Abandoned Garrison: Faction
The undead call this place home, the old soldiers still guarding the location against intruders. While the soldiers are mindless, the officer is quite intelligent, but extremely malevolent; whatever humanity he once had is gone, replaced with a desire to see all living beings killed. If allied with the undead, the officer will begrudgingly allow you to use some of the facilities, and to camp out in the courtyard.
Bane:The anger and desire to end life continues to focus in this area, and the surrounding environs will become enrobed by eternal night; only the ominous torches along the walls giving a clue to the garrison's location. The undead continue to gather here, the garrison able to accommodate more than twenty skeletal warriors. The commander's sword, so exposed to the source of malignancy that dominates the area, begins to become corrupted. This blade will cut through not only flesh, but deep into the soul of whatever it strikes; even a Nemesis can have their soul rent asunder, causing them to fade into nothingness. However, wielding this weapon is the problem, as it will constantly drain the wielder's life; perhaps their is an artifact, some where else on this island, that could provide protection against its life-sapping powers.