>>20938954>Drow are drastically different in many ways then your average garden variety Elf.Drow are Drow, not equivalent to Dark Elves. The Drow are just a D&D creation that isn't that popular due to their overly dark skin, terrible Mary Sue iconic characters, and mostly ugly western art.
>Now I'd be fine with "Brown Elves" if they were somehow substantially more different then "Normal Elves" but the fact is, they aren't.They are. The archetype for all anime Dark Elves, the same with every high elf in these images, is Record of Lodoss War. The difference can be summarized down to haughty versus assholes.
>In fact, they seem to exclusively exist in scintillating pictures with nothing about their culture to go on beyond the erotic (try to find a "Brown Elf" picture that lacks cleavage or significant boobage... Or isn't Anime.)That's where we come in. Standard Dark Elf culture we take from wherever, be it traditional dicks from Norse mythology or the Drow, to tropical islanders or the Dark Eldar. And sexualization is the point. They're a fetish and we know it.
>Fuck, even then... Even THEN I'd be willing to forgive itYou could stop projecting and not make an odd fool of yourself as the sole angry voice despite your claim to be representing 'most people.' It's obvious you're mostly an immigrant from /pol/ or else you'd already know we've done a lot to develop them as a tropical elf.