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heads up transformers news i haven't seen a thread about

No.322176 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A new, smaller Animated Bumblebee mold is in the works. It is intended to be more in scale to other figures, and will come with a larger accessory.
A new Voyager Bulkhead repaint is being done. It will not be a new character, following in line with Animated repaints like Rescue Ratchet and Elite Guard Bumblebee. Hasbro will be doing more repaints without making them into new characters.
The Jetstorm/Jetfire toy concept was one he has had in mind for several years. It finally came to pass in Animated.
There has been some planning for a Fourth season of the series.
Arcee will be a new Deluxe class mold, and won't be entirely pink.
Animated Swoop's weapon was designed to have the flame spikes extend when pulling on the chain, but it did not pass safety tests.

Transformers, ROTF:
No Activators or Unleashed.
Eric is working on 2 of the size classes for this line, Voyager and Scout class.
