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No.324675 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone seen these guys before?

They're Plasma Kreaps from Mega Bloks and they are, in my humble opinion, fuckwin. They come in a really well-sculpted chest and the parts inside the chest are contained in a pretty sick little rubber bag. When you pop the pieces together you have a little 3 inch tall monster that is really beautifully sculpted and features a not too shabby paint job. I find The Ghoul to be the best one, with his kickass skull and boney body.

I never would have noticed these guys before, as I don't collect building toys. However, I was digging through some clearance junk at K-Mart today and found these guys. They were marked as being 4 bucks each, but scanned up at one dollar each instead!

This inspired me to start digging more and found several really good deals that weren't even marked. Got several Star Wars and Super Hero Squad figures for $1.50 each.

It was a pretty good day, /toy/!
tl;dr: Plasma Kreaps kick ass / go raid K-Mart for unmarked dirt cheap clearance toys. Hope that helps someone!