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Megazord hunting

No.336787 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let me tell you a story guys……You know..... last night, after looking at all the postings on that totally sweet new super legends megazord toy, we were getting totally nostalgia bombed. Now seeing that some stores had him in stock, my roommate and I decided to go out on a hunt for this wicked figure. Well as the night progressed, we were having no luck @ our normal hunting grounds nor at our second tier of stores we visit for figs, and we were heading towards our final set of stores, or the “desperation stores” as we call them. These are the stores that we know have figs, but rarely have more than two or three pegs worth and rarely rotate stock.

Anyway, we were heading towards them and were stopped at a stop light, discussing the rules and weapons allowed for the ritualistic fight to the death if there was only one figure found. ( we settled on the classic star trek TOS death match btw.) when some chick blonded her way thru the intersection and wanged my car!

She totaled it.

Completely and utterly.


So here I sit no Megazord, and no Syl. (my name for my car, short for Silverstrike - I totally think of her as an Autobot. P.s. I could never find her aluminum Autobrand logo I had on her after the accident)

… I blame you /toy/