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[3 / 0 / ?]

No.337479 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Holy Crap.
It might actually be worth it to get one of these now.
Thanks to the Anon who informed us about blackfriday.info, this is from Kmart's "Thanksgiving" Section.
I highly Encourage /toy/ to go check it out.
Okay, so now for the thread:
I've been looking at walmarts and TRUs and some small amounts of Target, and I've yet to find something in that really made me say, DAMN! I want that. Probably not since DCUC wave three and Ares. Seeing a lot of good things about it here, I went and got Black Suit Spiderman from Target and I love him.
But lately I've just been browsing toy sections, looking for something to catch my eye and there isnt much. I'm pretty much a figure guy, but I've even been looking at the Transformers stuff with more frequency! I regret not going to more Targets, I really do want that Megazord figure and they are a fairly constant source of DCUC, when wave one isnt clogging the pegs.
So what about you, /toy/? What catches your eye? What are you looking for, or looking forward to? Care to give some recommendations of certain toys? Whats your next purchase?
Chat it up, yo.