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!EKcLb7WEC6 No.68570 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /trv/?

I have saved up $8000 and I'm planning to backpack around europe. Staying in hostels and what not. Minus my supplies/airplane ticket it leaves me around $6500 to backpack around europe.

I want to know a few things though.

What necessary safety precautions should I take? Obviously I won't be traveling in the most safest/american loving part of europe all the time. Europe is also the most dangerous place in the world, or so I've heard. More wars have happened there then anywhere else. Can I bring a gun on the plane? How much does a kevlar vest normally go for in Europe? Is it cheaper to buy it on the black market? or just to buy it legally? Also I have stocked up on condoms, incase one of those european harlets rape me. I at least won't get AIDS. European girls have the highest rate of AIDS in the world.