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[277 / 81 / ?]

Mike is Future Walt Theory

!isvOjIHEpo No.18674876 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Evidence for:

>Mike's fatherly affection for Jesse.
>Bald, just like Walt. Also, a fatter head, which is a common side effect of aging.
>Walt AND Hank both receive mysterious phone calls, warning them of an impending disaster on the horizon. These calls came from Future Walt in an attempt to change the course of history.
>Mike has a fully-grown daughter. Walt has an infant daughter. Coincidence...? This is only speculation of course, but my feeling is that everyone in Walt's family was killed in a meth battle except for his daughter in Future Walt's (aka Mike's) timeline.
>Future Walt (aka Mike) beating Walt senseless in the bar that night when Walt expressed interest in killing Gus. You see, in his timeline, he had tried exactly the same thing and had payed dearly for it. The beating was a tough love approach that Future Walt has come to rely on during his many years roaming the lonely future.
>The Mike voice-over in the desert. This is the creator's way of subtely hinting at what is to come, as well as to show that Walt is beginning to develop the deeper voice (possibly due to the cancer) that he speaks with in Future Walt's future.

Also, look at the picture. It is my theory that that is in fact the VERY SAME jacket. Notice how Mike's jacket is noticeably older and more weather-worn than Walt's.