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No.15825606 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Feel-good movies that actually ended horribly


>His grandfather dies
>Angus gets the girl but she's a creepy bulimic from Jurassic Park
>The bully (played by James Van Der Gay) endures a small (read: compared to Angus...nothing) amount of embarrassment and never admits he's wrong and probably goes on to be very successful. Sounds like real life, huh?
>He decides to not go to the magnet school effectively abandoning higher education simply because, "Eh, well, fuck 'em." But he got the girl! RIGHT? RIGHT???

That last point really irritates me. How is this an example of Angus winning at life? Is it because he learned to "let go and live a little bit"? Why is this theme so common in American films? Is it prevalent elsewhere?

tl;dr It's okay to abandon your dreams and education if there's a chance for comeuppance and a life full of apathy