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[54 / 8 / ?]

Random Hasumedo update

!!pVcBFJWIF2P No.1125874 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So for the two or three people who still care, apparently Medley showed up a couple of months back (which I just found out about) and talked to 2ch a bit. I've looked through their anniversary thread (http://ex14.vip2ch.com/part4vip/kako/1305/13056/1305647263.html) and checked out what she had to say.

They're definitely still together. At the time of posting, she'd come back to her mother's house to see if there was any damage from a river flood (it was fine).

She chats a bit with the posters and answers some of their questions. Most of her friends from high school and college know and are fine with it. Fam doesn't know, apparently. Lots of people thanking her for her story helping them out or at least making them feel better.

Medley talks about Husky's first impression of her, of how she seemed hard to approach and a bit of a "lone wolf" type. and also how she thinks the whole "honors student attracted to bad girl" thing is totally hot, which it is She also says that her initial impression of Husky at the time was "pretty, but probably a bitch". She goes on about how they managed to actually become friends, at which point we know the rest of the story. A "prequel", maybe?