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Pokémon Fire Red Blind Nuzlocke.

!yu3GYq9YFo No.7580833 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, /vp/, this is my first post here.

I am totally new to the Pokémon series. I have several acquaintances who are major fans of the series. They always tell me, "dude, you have to play Pokémon!" I tried to stay out of the loop for about ten years or so (since back when I was a wee lad), but it seems I can't resist the temptation any longer.

I'll tell you what I know about the series.

I know that the player is a small child travelling the world catching batshit crazy superpowered creatures with little balls, and using them to battle other people. I know that they 'evolve', whatever that means in this context. All the games are named after colors or jewels and the latest ones were Black and White. I know that there are 600 Pokémon, and I know there were 150 at first.

Here are some of the Pokémon I know about (thanks mostly to Smash Bros). These are the ones I have listed, but a few more might have slipepd my mind: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario, Pichu, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard, Snorlax, Meowth, the red and white bomb one, Mudkip (because of the meme), Slowpoke and Arceus (which is apparently the God of Pokémon?)

I know a little about the show and watched a couple episodes, though I barely remember anything about it now. I know it had that catchy as fuck theme song. I know about Ash, Misty and Brock. I know about Team Rocket and their motto, and I know that there's supposedly some guy named Gary Oak who is supposed to be this legendary total asshole. I also know about N, who is supposed to be... homosexual? I don't know.

I know pretty much nothing else about the series that I can remember.