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No.1729263 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Super duper agree on the rape=/= love thing.

Hetalia is kind of a weird fandom to have ships in, because you constantly have to weigh historical events against characters' personalities to judge how their relationships would go. For instance, with AusHun, it's true that if you consider only the history between the countries IRL you'd end up with a very uncute, non-lovey-dovey relationship, if there would even be one at all. However, you also have to think, "Even if these guys' people and governments hated the other's, how would they feel about each other as people?" Hungary strikes me as a very warm and affectionate person, and Austria as someone who is extremely devoted, based on evidence in the comics. That's why I ship them; not because of their IRL history.

The reason I like USUK (or UKUS, because face it, either one of these topping is hot as hell... as well as when neither tops BECAUSE NON-PENETRATIVE SEX EXISTS) is because I think their personalities work well together: America is friendly, boisterous, often clueless but ultimately kind; England is an introvert who's not honest with his feelings, but who is shown to care deeply for his few friends. Their relationship is also one of the most heavily-hinted at in the comics (right after GerIta and France/Entire World Population), with both being shown to care for the other though they both suck so, so much at communicating.