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[267 / 51 / ?]

!mR7shGoqos No.11185027 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So i have two problems /k/

I was out in the woods about 3 miles from where i live, i planned on finding a nice spot to do some shooting. Boy, did I get more than a bargained for.
I came across this guy, i saw him long before he saw me, he was pouring what i at first thought was water over this big black plastic bag, i didn't pay any attention to it. So i continued on, until i heard like, screams and moans, but not human screams, more of like what a small animal would make,
So i got closer, eventually so close i could see what was about to happen, this guy was pouring gasoline over this bag which had cats in it.
This is where problem one starts.I told him to stop what the fuck he was doing and explain himself. Before i could get in another word this ass hole pulls a pistol on me and shoots, like he aimed to kill me, i about shit my pants, i did not see that coming. then he takes off running, leaving the bag and empty jerry can on the ground. Out of reaction i drew my side arm and fired 6 shots into the woods behind him. I hit him, i know i did because he fell, then got up and ran off again, but limping badly holding his shoulder.
This is where problem 2 starts. i open the bag and find these (Pic related)

What should i do with them, i was going to keep them, but 6?