Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.

Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).

Threads by latest replies - Page 5

[1379020226] SFBE is a Product of the US education system

!3lWjo8kf8k No.59359 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are letting the United States government off for being intellectually backward! by making the whole system seem normal in comparison to yourself.
19 posts omitted

[1389300585] Las mentieras de Facebook

No.60246 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bien se sabe que wonderland alias facebook es un escaparate del ego, donde a todo mundo le va con madre, todo mundo viaja y todo mundo compra en tiendas de prestigio... además de que se defiende más a los animales que al prójimo. Pero no hace falta escarbarle mucho (y más si conoces muy de cerca a tus contactos) para descubrir que todos sus vacíos emocionales los tapan con pura pendejada superficial, de los contactos que conozco de cerca y que ponen todo lo que hacen, el 90% de ellos les va mal, no tienen empleo, en su casa ni los quieren o tienen el autoestima por los suelos... mi teoría es que entre más pendejadas postean en el fb, más necesitados de aceptación y aprobación están.

[1389295275] Super Heroes mexicanos

No.60243 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ya se puede hacer una "Liga de la Justicia Mexica" con El Santo, El Sanx y la Tetona Mendoza, El Chapulín Colorado, Machete, El Peso, Mamá Lucha, ¡El Fuá!, El Compayito (el de la "mano con ojos" por aquello de que "sólo mató a quien lo merecía"),...
Speedy Gonzalez es pocho... y no cuenta

[1311261186] こんにちは

No.48487 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
26 posts omitted

[1297292990] Eroge,chat corner

No.46120 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's discuss VN brands and some things we enjoy.

[1388619414] GN

No.60182 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Grammar Nazis, get in here.
Which is most proper? :
"(it) assisted me in passing the exam"
"(it) assisted me to pass the exam"
"(it) assisted me with passing the exam"
or other?

Also, should it be
"assignments at university level"
or "assignments at a university level"

And can I end a sentence with "that I look forward to"

[1388606036] Voice-chats

No.60180 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, /int/! Do you know any good English-speakers voice-chats? I've tried PalTalk and Chatonic and was not thrilled by constantly playing middle-eastern folk-music, talking about camels and upcoming punishment for infidels, or by discussions about English adjectives (which is no better).

[1388034894] sicilian slang

No.60156 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /lang/,
I've spent Christmas with my Sicilian-American family, where most insults, profanities, or racial slurs are spoken in Sicilian or Italian. Unfortunately, I can't really look them up because I have no idea how to write them down, since I've only ever heard them. Can anyone help me properly write these down? I'll try writing them phonetically.

Mulongianni = eggplant; slang for black people
Thuiku = slang for black people
Piethutha = everyone's crazy
Puchi en culu = ants in your pants
Manna = eat

Also any other Sicilian slang would be appreciated.

[1193228697] Putain 4chan est de retour [FRENCH FAGS ONLY]

No.25956 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey j'suis heureux les gens!

4chan is back online.

On va pouvoir sucer du mudkip et enculez des long cats :D

Jvous fuck dans le pooper.

45 posts omitted