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[13 / 0 / ?]

[1333081694] Racism

No.101442 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm white and the other day a young and respectable black man mugged me, and I thanked him for giving me what I deserve, and apologized for what my people did to him in the past. He beat me, but I didn't fight back, because that would be racist. I let him take my money and didn't file a police report.

Now, imagine if the same thing happened to a racist. They might even defend themselves or call the police. It's shit like this which is what's wrong with society. We need to give black people an advantage to help them move up in society.

One way we can help start that is by choosing not to hire whites, even if they are sufficiently qualified. We must fire all whites and replace them with blacks, regardless of experience or qualifications.

If you disagree, you are a Nazi or a KKK member.