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Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).

[1393806923] Ukraine

No.109931 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Putin: "We need to keep russians safe in Ukraine!"

John Kerry: "In the 21th century, you just don't act in a 19th century manner, by invading another country with a completely made up excuse!"

Putin: "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."

John Kerry: "My God, you're right! You're obviously just doing it in the name of freedom! Well, carry on then!"

Europe: "Not so fast! We have the UN and the G8 and all manners of unions and pacts, so that we can stand united against the super powers! Together we will assemble into a giant robot and do battle!"

Putin: "Oh go fuck yourself, Europe."

Europe: "Oh no, Putin spoke, and he has the veto power! We now have to go fuck ourselves, like the powerless, pre-lubed up babies we are!"

Putin: "Okay, so now that we have Ukraine, what country do we destabilize next? This game of funding and supporting protesters against governments, is really too easy. I'll give Europe five more years, before they're all learning russian in their schools and we're burning all their culture, like we've done with so many countries before. I say we invade Finland next. Sweden doesn't have a military, so once we defeat Finland, we get Sweden for free, and from there we control the north coast of Europe."

Sweden: "But we have the UN to protect us! ...and pacts! ... We're so fucked!"
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[1393946314] Creationism and the Holocaust

No.109935 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I like how athiests say that if you make an extraordinary claim (like that God exists) you have to have extraordinary claims to back it up. They say that books and writing isn't enough to prove this claim, because anybody could have just forged the Bible and just *claiming* to be an authority on the matter.

In 50 years from now, or a few hundred years from now, people believing that the holocaust happened, will face the same problem. They say that there's "mountains of evidence" to support this highly extraordinary claim, but with time, this mountain will be eroded into an amount of evidence no bigger than the Bible. Then people will point and laugh at the jews and their "fabled" extinction, going "Well, you're still *here*, aren't you? How do you explain *that*? I don't believe in your religious texts - I'm an atheist.".
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[1388759844] How to achieve a new consciousness?

No.109725 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Cultural development is never easy" yet we need a new way of living more than ever. The gap between the rich and poor in unsustainable. Robots WILL take all the jobs. The mining of earths resources in unsustainable. Our pollution output in unsustainable.  I could go on but its easy to see capitalism is unsustainable, unless we change the system capitalism will suck the planet dry of all its finite resources and will replace all the jobs with robots because they are cheaper.   What say you? How do you feel? What can we do?
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[1393150607] Rise And Shine

No.109915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Rise and shine

It is important to develop and nurture relationships at work. When you are visible you will be noticed.

Practise five strategies to stand out and get noticed at work

DO YOU sometimes feel you struggle with the "invisible" phenomenon? Do you feel you work hard but aren't really "noticed"? Or perhaps you feel taken for granted?

   You may be asking yourself why you need to be noticed at all. You are doing your work, getting your pay, so what difference does it make if you get noticed or not?

   Well, yes, it does matter. If you are not noticed, you are not in people's minds, you may be passed up when new projects come in, when promotions come up, when new opportunities aries and when recognition is due.

   Here are five great strategies you can use to get noticed for all the right reasons:

1 Be sociable and network

If you are always hiding behind your computer and keeping your head down, no one will know you even exist. People may not even know who you are.

   Spend a few minutes at the start of the day or at lunchtime to meet and greet your colleagues. Chat to people you don't usually chat with when you see them in the lift or in the pantry. Smile at a stranger. You may make a new friend.

   It is important to develop and nurture relationships at work. When you are visible, you will be noticed. When you are noticed, you will be top of mind for that new project, and you will get more help than someone who does not network.

   Keep building your network outside working hours too; socialising with colleagues after work is a great way to get to know them better and be a real team player.

2 Help your colleagues succeed

I believe a lot of my career success has been a direct result of helping to create opportunities for others, doors have opened for me too.

   Helping other is a great sign of collaborative leadership, great teamwork and self-confidence. You can help others as well as yourself by developing a close relationship with all your colleagues.

   Show you are constantly working together, helping each other, guiding each other and providing each other with hands-on support.

   And don't forget it works both ways. While you are helping others, be just as enthusiastic about learning from your colleagues. In this way, you are building mutually productive and rewarding relationships where everyone wins.

3 Accept responsibilities

If you say "It's not my job," that will get you noticed for the wrong reasons. Perhaps take on something that requires creative thinking, or event organising, or something else you are interested in that is not particularly in your job scope.

   But a word of warning here: Be sure you still manage all of your current responsibilities well. The last thing you need is to get noticed for the wrong reasons.

4 Get involved

Don't be someone who just does his work and then goes home. Get involved in your company's events. Join the lunch-time yoga class, help out with charity events, join your colleagues for a karaoke evening, or something like that.

   If you're not one for singing or sports, how about helping out with logistics? These are places to be seen and noticed, and to make new friends too.

5 Stay away from politics

It is sad but true that there are political weeds in most worksplaces. Some people even think it will give them a leg up if they get involved in politics.

   My advice is, don't get caught up in any of this negativity. Instead, keep focused on being positive, effective and productive, and creating an impact at work.

   It doesn't hurt to know who the weeds are though, so you can give them a wide berth.

If you start working on all these five strategies, you will not only start getting noticed, you'll make more friends and have more fun at work.

   Put more drive and energy into your work, keep a smile on your face, and keep your head up instead of down as you walk around the office.

   Start spreading some positivity and energy around the office, and others will feel it and start sharing it too. Don't just work with your head. Start working with your heart too. You will find yourself being noticed for all the right reasons.

[1394962592] Climate Help Genghis Khan's Rise

No.109976 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mild climate 'helped' in Genghis Khan's rise'

Washington - A pleasantly warm and wet spell in central Mongolia eight centuries ago may have propelled the rise of Genghis Khan, according to a United States study.

   Researchers analysed tree rings spanning 11 centuries, showing that the conqueror seized power during dry times and was able to expand his empire across Asia during an unusual stretch of good weather.

   The years before Genghis Khan's rule were marked by severe drought from 1180 to 1190, said the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal.

   But from 1211 to 1225, as the empire spread, Mongolia saw an ususual period of sustained rainfall and mild temperatures.

   "The transition from extreme drought to extreme moisture right then strongly suggests that climate played a role in human events," said study co-author Amy Hessl, a tree-ring scientist at West Virginia University.

   "It wasn't the only thing, but it must have created the ideal conditions for a charismatic leader to emerge out of the chaos, develop an army and concentrate power."

   For the oldest samples, Dr Hessl and lead author Neil Pederson, a tree-ring scientist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, focused on an unusual clutch of trees found while researching wildfires in Mongolia.

   The gnarled, stunted Siberian pines were emerging from cracks in an old solid-rock lava flow in the Khangai Mountains, according to a statement from Columbia.

   Trees living in such conditions grow slowly and are particularly sensitive to changes in weather, so they provided an abundance of data to study.

   Some of the trees had lived for more than 1,100 years. One piece of wood the scientists found had rings going back to about 650 BC.

   Researchers compared those samples to younger fallen trees and pieces bored from living trees.

[1297374318] FACT niggers and humans are different species

No.89864 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Seriously, how can anyone put a nigger beside a human and say they are the same species. Such action does not exist anywhere in the animal kingdom. It's about time people get their heads out of their asses and admit the truth... niggers are some dead end branch of hominids that are infused with evil intent, a violent nature, gibs-me-dat and a brain that can't mature past muh-dick or muh-poosie
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[1386956965] food for thought

No.109632 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
want to know the ULtimate redpill? why average people are so docile and easily influenced? they are in fact drugged. cas omorhines from milk products, gluten morphine byproducts(grains containing gluten),chocolate areall opioid analogues to keep   sheeple pacified. thats why its called "bread and circuses".
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[1395064816] How politics works.

No.109979 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is simple economics, the US is the most powerful country in the world and it has a large educated middle class that influence how this country is run, 535 senators and congressmen plus the Obama administration run a country with a GDP of $15.7 trillion and a government that spends $3.8 trillion, so each elected official influences the spending of something in the order of $5 billion to $30 billion dollars.

Let's say 1% of this $5 billion is spent on educational grants and subsidies and you want to influence an official to spend 1% of this $50 million on your college fund for your disadvantaged ethnic group, that would be a cool $500000 in your pocket. Even if you spent $10000 on advertizing and rallying up support for your little cause you would still profit from this.

On a larger scale you might have nation wide special interest groups, these groups can determine whether someone gets elected or not, if they say you are unamerican/racist/sexist/homophobe, then "boom", you're out of the race. Both senators will try their best to promise to ensure the leaders of these movements get their kickbacks and funding.

Influencing people is big business and that is what the institution of the American left wing is all about.

[1390764030] American politics

No.109791 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok guys, I got a serious question about the American politics here.
It's about the fact that even if one party would get 49,9% of all the votes in a state, the party with more votes will be given 100% of the votes after counting...(in the case of just 2 parties, otherwise the parties would have a bit less %'s but still the same principle).
Ok so let's say now that party A gets 100% of all the votes in 24 states and just 49,9% of all the votes in the remaining 26 states. Resulting in a win in 26 states for party B. This would result in party B winning right?
So wouldn't this make the entire system totally unfair? I know that this is practically almost impossible, but still there is a small chance...