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[508 / 0 / ?]


!!aA0GbTMNLDz No.1393872 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>get a migraine
>lie in bed in pain, eventually fall asleep/pass out
>wake up lay around for awhile
>an ancient evil has awoken
>feel the stink monster positioning itself for an explosive exit
>hobble to the bathroom praying that my weakened state can hold back the harbinger of doom for a second more
>regardless of my efforts I start pooping before I get fully sat down
>most of the pain was actually gas
>copious farting opens my butthole larger than the turd
>it glides out and once I'm done farting I take a look at it
>solid, sleek, ~10 inch long fat turd curled up like a snake
>sit down and wipe

So many feels, its like my body is apologizing for having a bitching headache.

I guess this can be a shit general.