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[114 / 12 / ?]

No.10873129 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just had my first nope moment /x/

first time on this board in over a year.

Let me start by saying that I've been a skeptic for as long as I can remember, I've been an avowed atheist (albeit I keep to myself) and I have generally always looked for a logical solution for every situation.

Now for a short back story: For the past 12 years I've lived in the same house. Never have I really "felt" anything, or noticed anything out of the ordinary. However about 2 months ago that started to change. Now I should mention that I live alone, in a pretty average house out in the woods of southeastern Pennsylvania (great area, can go plinking off my back porch, work close, etc) My house isn't very old, dating back to probably around the 50s. As I was saying about 2 months ago, things started to get a little strange. It started out as stuff that I would attribute to forgetfulness/brainfarts/etc. First it was little stuff, papers started to go missing, only to turn back up where they should have been the day before. I would seem to misplace my keys more (I'm a very routine-based person) so this seemed really strange to me. I started to attribute it to stress from work, and tried to relax more, but that really didn't seem to do anything.