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No.10982769 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pic related: Crying house

Hey /X/ I have a problem, I'm not sure where to turn and I see people here as some, that may guide me in the right direction.
My issue is I enjoy reading/hearing of paranormal activities though never have believed in it, that was until recently. I have been left with no other option than to consider it, hence posting here.

The lady in the house next door to me has a new born child, only on occasion do me and my girlfriend hear the child screaming (we live in the house next to them, our walls are about 5 meters apart at the boundary), though when it seems sick it will cry for days on end.

It is not loud at all but it can become concerning as the new mother (her first child), is managing on her own as the father seems to have left them. She will even scream herself at times, cursing the father and yelling out to someone unknown for help. God perhaps?
When we first moved in 6 years ago I actually went around to see if there was anything I can do for her, as the place was obviously getting a bit run down. Maybe I could at least mow the lawns for her, as they were knee deep after the first couple of months of us being there.