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[312 / 45 / ?]

Out of place things/events you've encountered in daily life

No.10679510 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>heading to school bus like any other day in neighborhood
>reach bus stop
>suddenly, silence
>no wind, no bugs, no cars, no people; like all life just vanished
>i get this horrible, unexplainable feeling that something is behind me
>it's getting closer
>it's right behind me; i swear i hear breathing
>"don't leave please"
>suddenly, blasted by noise
>school bus arrived, huge honking
>bus guy was asked why i spaced out for a minute straight when he arrived, he was about to leave
>"you were just looking completely blank faced at me, i was getting pretty pissed"
>still had that awful feeling i was being watched until i boarded that bus, then it was gone

I still don't know what the fuck happened.