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Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
[323 / 28 / ?]

No.10818381 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /x/.

For the past 4 or so years, a demon has been using sex in order to manipulate and control me, all towards the final goal of getting my soul.

It wasn't strong at first. As time went on, the more it fed, the more it was able to do. It's always the same vicious cycle. It deprives me of sleep. Keeps me awake at night, until I don't know right from left, until I completely lack all logic and reason. While doing so, or after I am near unconscious, it begins to fill my brain with pornographic images and sensations. I am barraged by sex. Of all kinds. Sometimes the scenarios are downright strange and awful.

Then it starts to fuck me. And by this point I'm so tired and so pumped up I want it, and badly. I fight it all I can but it's so hard to say no. It screws me for hours. While doing so, it speaks to me. Not out loud. I don't hear it like I hear a person. Telepathically. It's incredibly manipulative. Smooth talking. Intimidating. Terrible. I hate it. It takes baby steps, pushing me further and further each day, praising me for obedience. When I try to fight it......bad things happen.

I have woken up with bruises and scratches. I often get bruises on my wrists, as if something was holding them tightly. Other people have felt its presence. It messes with electrical appliances in our house. Everything has gone nuts. It bangs on the walls. My friends have heard it and it scared the crap out of them. It has pinched and burned people in my room.

If this is some sort of mental illness, I've never heard anything like it before. I am at the point where I actually desperately hope this is schizophrenia. But all other aspects of my life are normal. I hide the fact that I am raped and tortured mentally and emotionally daily, and it is killing me.

I come here for advice. What do I do? How do I stop it? I'll give any information you need. I'm desperate. I can't take this anymore.