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[431 / 26 / ?]

No.11993872 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I bet most of you have heard about the ''shadow people''.
People claim to see them while being on serious drugs or having sleep paralysis.
They're the lucky ones. Imagine that nightmare does not end. Imagine you start to see one of those things even in broad daylight. It started when I was about seven and a half years old. I started to see it. It appears too look like the hooded figure , with yellow eyes. It never did anything else than appearing in my noticeable line of sight. It always keeps its distance , yet it wants me to realize it's still there. At first I was very afraid of it ,even tried to hide. Then I tried to hurt it, hit it with things or threw them at it. The only thing that happened , was , that this creature just vanished when hit by anything. And reappeared on another location nearby. Eventually I started to ignore it. Yet it is there. I can see it in this moment by the end of the hallway of my flat.