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[186 / 8 / ?]

!!H+FR4XBrUOc No.8614059 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A nope thread made me remember stuff that happened a while ago.
When I was younger, from ages... 5 to 8 maybe? I used to go to my grandma's house every day and swim until I was exhausted. Her house was more of a mansion, since my father's side has a shit ton of money. The mansion is now abandoned.
Either way, I used to swim there a lot, and if not, I was exploring around. I never seemed to run out of places to explore, but I never dared to explore the forest that was behind the pool area. It wasn't really THAT big, but it was still creepy as fuck. All I had to do was climb the wall to get there, but I never did.
Every room had its creepy story, and I developed a shit ton of imaginary friends in that house. My nana (babysitter, lolol) kept telling me that they weren't imaginary, but I was the only one that could see them, but that she could feel their presence. I never understood what that meant until a few years ago. My dad, grandfather, and some uncles and aunts died in that mansion. It had like a mini hospital room in the lowest floor. It was kind of separate from everything. It was a mini hospital, that last floor. I used to go there all the time and visit whoever was there at that time. I remember once my aunt was there (I don't know many of my family members, so if I was told she was my aunt, I believed them) and she kept telling me to stay away from the forest and the cave. I never knew of any cave, and this just made me more curious of the forest. At this time, I had an 'imaginary' friend whose name was Jim. We never talked, he was just around. He never came close either, he just looked at me every now and then, but never directly into my eyes, and he kept a distance.