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[288 / 29 / ?]

!qWTSo2cYeU No.9406168 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a continuation of >>9392796 this Kidd thread. For those of you just coming upon the party, Kidd showed up at my house, insisting on coming in and using my phone. He has lots of BEK symptoms, including but not limited to completely black eyes, the desire to "come in", and can't unless you give him permission. I've been seeing him around for a little over a week (almost two weeks) by now.

Here's the story he told me, piled amongst all the other completely bogus sounding stories he'd been feeding me. My bullshit-o-meter was ringing pretty high, so I almost completely forgot about this, if someone hadn't mentioned this.

The Story of the Boy and The Deep, Dark Well
(and what happened to him there)

In this story (which I will summarize), a boy is born to a farmer in some undetermined time where they don't have electricity or gas yet. His father is a wealthy man; he has lots of land, lots of cattle, and he rakes in a good profit from leasing people to buy crops from him.

His mother was from the city, and the country life shocked her. She spent most of her time in some sort of glassed-in garden, avoiding her family.

The child was strange, and most everyone tried their hardest to avoid him, from the servants to his family. He made up wild stories, which no-one would guess were true.

Most people feared him, but his father the most. And one day, under the pretense of showing his son a new calf that had been born the night previous (one he had said was all white), he took his son out to the back pastures. While he told his son to look in the brush for the new calf, he readied a cudgel, and struck his son over the head with it.

Nearby, there was a deep, dark sinkhole that everyone called "The Well", which this wealthy landowner slipped the body of his son into.