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Threads by latest replies - Page 5

[1111277475] Reading and distractions

No.258 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I really want to read the hundreds of books on my shelves.  But I keep getting sidetracked by movies, games, and ADD (not AD&D). 

What's your solution to concentrate on reading and finishing books?  I often read halfway through a book, enjoy it, put it down, and forget to pick it up again.
4 posts omitted

[1374999209] Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1, Page 3

No.24785 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should I kill myself, or shouldn't I kill myself, that's the question.
Should I keep on dealing with all this fucking bad luck
or stand up against this bullshit by ending it all
and by ending it all – just sleep... forever.
And when I'm asleep I wont have to deal with any of it.
I won't have deal with the thousands of possible things that make life suck.
If you think about it, this is what everyone should want.
To die and to sleep forever.
To sleep and a chance to dream...
Actually, that's the problem.
Because what sort of dreams will I  have after I die, 
that's what you got to think about.
And that's why people don't all just  fucking kill themselves.
Because who would want to deal with all this bullshit.
The corrupt politicians endlessly arguing and never getting anything done, 
people no better than me treating me like shit,
falling in love just to have your heart broken,
a legal system that frees the guilty and jails the innocent,
cops thinking they can tell me what to do just because they have a uniform,
my fucking neighbor thinking he's better than me because he has a nicer car....
All of this could be ended with a quick slash of a blade across my throat.
But the fear of not knowing what comes after you die,
because no ones been back so far to tell us about it,
confuses us and makes us put up with all this bullshit instead of taking a chance on the unknown.
Just the fact that we are able to think about it this deep turns us all into cowards.
So one minute I'm sure of myself and the next I'm scared as shit.
And all my great plans of an easy way out, become difficult and confusing
and I can't do shit.
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[1174151283] the heady world of publishing

ID:c8/OcvgU No.4589 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Go on a bender, sleep with some supermodels, check into rehab and check out with a bestseller."


[1175378066] R.I.P Moot <3

ID:PXtHgd1j No.4749 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm here to inform everyone of a terrible loss.

Yesterday, around 4:00pm, I received a phone call telling me that moot has been in a fatal car accident.

I'm not feeling up to explaining detail of the accident, and how it happened, I'm just here to notify everyone since his family would be devastated, and his brother probably wouldn't want to explain the loss to a bunch of guys on the net.

Maybe if you wanted to show respect, and make him proud, leave a R.I.P moot or something in your sigs/msn/aim/whatever.
Just an idea.

Sorry everyone.
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[1178123999] YOU'tre a bedfuck

ID:Z1PwKHoj No.5094 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
fuck fuck fACK!

[1171500414] Why was Harry Potter so successful?

No.4250 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's a simple question,
Why was the Harry Potter series so successful?

I mean, it didn't add anything new to the genre, and there are a lot of other better series, with better character development and what-not.

I'm not saying its bad, but what makes an almost average book so popular?
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[1173231774] I AM VOLDEMORT

ID:AJcmE1up No.4466 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You know how they have that little name Tom something and you mix it and it spells that? How about this. Ddumbleidesor.

[1175264277] I, Lucifer

ID:EEnD9SCM No.4739 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

[1163633991] I just finished House of leaves.

No.3418 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the big deal?
It wasn't scary to me at all.
Nothing was explained by the end of the book.
Maybe this was intentional, but I think it's lazy and incomplete.
I've been told that the book is more affecting and profoundly scarier when you read it again, so I'll go through it once more to see what happens.
Feel free to explain what was really going on to me, if there is an explanation to tell.
If not; What's the big deal?
1 post omitted

[1164115355] Lol, Harry Dies in book 7

No.3502 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lol, enjoy book 7 potter fags
39 posts omitted