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Threads by latest replies - Page 7

No.1739251 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay /lit/, so I've started work on my novel. Been writing it using a target of 1000-words-a-day, minimum. I've got the loose plot details in my head, some characters are starting to appear that are surprising me and I'm starting to knock the rust off my writing.

One problem.

I find myself not liking my main character. I know his motivations and his backstory yet he never seems to *do* much. He reacts to things other people do rather than really engaging in activities himself. He's a blank. A non-person.

What do you guys do when you have a character that isn't really turning out how you'd like? Advice would be appreciated.
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No.1740747 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ok so this guy...
...kills himself and left this suicide "note" that's 1950 pages long

some crazy stuff.....this guy is nuts!
kills himself
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No.1740576 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Joyce General.

Reading my first Joyce book 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,' and I'm just finished the first chapter.

Already, this has got me interested in Irish Literature, which I embarrassingly neglected (being an Irishman myself). This book is just simply wonderful so far.

I will be sure to attempt Ulysses in the summer and may buy Finnegan's Wake to dip in and out of it from time to time, aiming to decipher a fragment of chaos.

Opinions on Joyce?
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No.1741156 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would like to better understand Phenomenology. Where should I begin with Husserl? Should I begin with Husserl?

No.1739743 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what does /lit think about rick moody? I have read The Four Fingers of Death and The Diviners in recent months and am convinced this man is a god. Today I went to my local bookstore hungry to find Purple America -- and so disappointed when they were out of stock that instead, I just left, empty-haneded (a ridiculous rarity for me).

No.1737838 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm writing a paper on contemporary views on religion and I arrived at a point that makes /lit/ the perfect place to ask:

What is the hipsters' view on religion (particularly Christian)?
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No.1741006 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /lit/, I was thinking of buying The Interpretation of Dreams, but before doing so I googled it to read reviews. Apparently, there's a ridiculous and pointless emphasis on sex from start to end, and most of Freud's theories are considered outdated and downright wrong these days. Are both of those issues true? I'm sure a lot of people here have read the book. Oh, and another question: how difficult is it?
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No.1739740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

I'm currently working on a mod for a video game and I'm doing some research into two subjects which I hope you might be able to help me out with.

1) The main character is a prisoner trying to dig is way out from prison. A large portion of this game is spent underground so any books about the claustrophobic atmosphere of mining or prisoner escape would be great.

2) Time traveling and parallel universes that interact with one another is another big theme. I'm looking for material that even if it is fiction, still sounds as if it was based (or actually is based) on real science.

Any suggestions for titles that might help?
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No.1741123 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

GOGOGO! destroy them armies of /lit/!

No.1741043 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What was the phrase for when you make people think something is going on when actually the exact opposite is going on, in order to make them even more aware and willing to think a certain way?

Example: Let's say Christianity was on the rise. You want it to stay that way. You go to Christians and show them some minor study showing that for the past two weeks Christianity has dropped .5%, and you tell them "LOOK! CHRISTIANITY HAS BEEN ON THE FALL! SOON WE WILL ALL BE ATHEISTS!" and they panic and hold on to their beliefs even tighter.

Sorry, English is not my first language. Can you help out guys?
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