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Threads by latest replies - Page 7

No.2983951 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are futurists such faggots?
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No.2983619 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been brushing up on my circuit analysis.
v1 is apparently 3v,
I get
Where am I going wrong?
Sorry for using /sci/ as /dullard/
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No.2984177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /sci/ I'm taking the AP Computer Science exam tomorrow and I'm about as unprepared as you can get. I teacher didn't know any of the material and was unable to teach us anything over the course of the entire school year.
Anything essential I need to know that might help me make more than a 2 on this exam?

Assembly Language?

No.2983139 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know anything about it?

I am very confused on the example try out problems our professor gave us..

for example,

ax = 06AF and the command says

mov ah,3

So does that mean move a 3 into the high order bit of ax? resulting in 36AF.

Any advice? I am not asking you guys to do my homework, just help me understand. I know you can't use the mov command when trying to mov from memory to memory.. but is an example of memory a variable?

like what is cs and ds? are those registers?

No.2983388 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>modern support for male circumcision is merely a psychological defense mechanism from those who have already been circumcised
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BST Depth

No.2984074 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /sci/,

I want to give an algorithm wich gives me the depth of a node in a BinarySearch Tree (depth of the node is the number of edges on the path from the root to the node)

So first of all the root has a depth 0. So here is my question, Should I just each time go, from the root till the node, return the depth, check if it has a left child, return the depth, check the right child, return the depth and so one.
And will this be in O(n) running time?

Thanks in advance!
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The Earth is not moving

No.2983808 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"The world also is stablished that it cannot be moved." Psalm 93:1

"He...hangeth the Earth upon nothing." Job 26:7

An electromagnet and computerized sensor hidden in its display stand cause the Earth to levitate motionlessly in the air. Could God have engineered something like that for the real Earth?

The Bible and all real evidence confirms that this is precisely what He did, and indeed:

• The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.

• The universe is not one ten trillionth the size we are told.

Today’s cosmology fulfills an anti-Bible religious plan disguised as "science". The whole scheme from Copernicanism to Big Bangism is a factless lie. Those lies have planted the Truth-killing virus of evolutionism in every aspect of man’s "knowledge" about the Universe, the Earth, and Himself.
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No.2983973 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Semester ended at my university last week
>Go to local community college today to register for an electricity and magnetism physics course
>Get told I need to take a reading and english placement test.
>For a physics course

God damn bureaucracy.
22 posts and 2 images omitted

No.2982892 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is your favorite Manifold and why?
Any additional structures on it?

(Moreover, a question thats bugging me, for the knowing people: What can you know about a Riemannian manifold, with only local information, and what not. It's kinda strange/mysterious. And also, are all the invariances of the metric spacial transformations...you know, like SO(3)?)
10 posts and 1 image omitted