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Threads by latest replies - Page 10

[1375069594] My Turban is Dirty!

No.21046 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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[1375353630] Boycott Russia

No.21111 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
drink vodka from some other shitty country.
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[1281230672] Call me by my new name: One Nation Under God

No.16833 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Zion man changes name to One Nation Under God
Aug 7, 2010
(WAUKEGAN) A Lake County judge on Friday approved a north suburban Zion man's petition to change his name to One Nation Under God.

Under God, formerly named In God We Trust and born with the name Steve Kreuscher, filed the petition June 1. He appeared before Associate Judge Helen Rozenberg last Friday for the hearing. She continued the matter for a week so she could think about it, Under God said.

"Last week, I really felt it (the name change) was going to go through," Under God said. "I'm relieved because it's been a long week of waiting."

Under God described his name change as a "calling" to return Americans to "One Nation Under God" by overturning the legalization of abortion.

"Jan. 22, 1973, is the day the nation murdered God," Under God said.

That is the date the U.S. Supreme Court decided the case of Roe v. Wade.

This is why Under God said he would not say the Pledge of Allegiance.

"I don't think we can as a nation, myself included. We don't have the right to the pledge until abortion is overturned," Under God said.

He called his two legal name changes "an artistic expression" of himself. He creates pieces of "mystic surrealism" and said he started signing his work with his new name starting July 4.

He said he has enjoyed watching people react to his name.

"I thought I was going to be teased a lot. Since my first name change (to In God We Trust), people started treating me with ultimate respect, like I was a minister or something," Under God said.

He said he plans to change his name a total of seven times. He is considering No Cross No Crown, Seven Seven Seven and Andgelical Zioneero for future name changes.

In two years, he said he will change his name to Thermado Zattersof. Unscrambled, these letters spell out the name of one of his pieces of art work.

"You'll have to work out which one," Under God said.

His online gallery is www.yessy.com/stevekreuscher.

© Copyright 2009 Sun-Times Media, LLC

[1218700312] Cheerleaders to fill empty seats

No.15073 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The embarrassing spectacle of swathes of empty seats has prompted Beijing organisers to draft in 'cheerleader squads' of volunteers to fill the gaps.

[1182862876] Why do Jews...

ID:LxacWLIU No.10329 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do Jews preach multiculturalism and diversity but are the last to practice it with their arcane laws and regulations that keep them non-assimilated into society?

It fucking pisses me off, because you have all of these Greenbaums, Goldsteins, Katz and they only keep to themselves never considering that Goyim (non-Jews) are actually people.

They treat non-Jews with contempt, as if they're somehow dirty or immoral and unlawful.
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[1376781724] CIA acknowledges Area 51

No.21258 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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[1235766678] Mexico is on its way to...

No.15597 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
...becoming a militarized state.

I miss talking about Obama and McCain and Clinton and all the theatrics of American politics! I was so much happier when I didn't care about all the crap going on down here. I was blissfully unaware of my fellow countrymen's ignorance and stupidity.

But I'm not anymore. As you know, I got interested on local politics when our governor (a woman from a very small village with a very small education) installed checkpoints throughout our city in September 2008, violating our rights to privacy and free traffic as recognized in our Constitution and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

But then in December I got bullied, searched and vindictively arrested by some power-crazed jerk. All for taking photographs in the streets.

It was all "for my own good" as he said. His name was Angel Ocejo, he's a three star commander for the SSP (Department of Public Safety) and even though I filed a formal complaint with the CODHEY (the local organization in charge of defending human rights, even though they seldomly do so) absolutely nothing happened to him. All I got after talking with Aldana Solis - the department's attorney - was a warranty that if I got picked up taking pictures again I wouldn't be treated like that. Great! I get to carry out a perfectly legal activity without being searched and questioned! What a victory!

Angel Ocejo didn't face any real consequences for his actions. I don't care that much about him but the fact that the SSP arbitrarily detains people, harasses and scares them and that the offending officers never have to pay for those acts.

I found some support, but the majority of the so-called educated people are okay with all of this. They don't mind that our country is on the way of becoming a military regime again or that human rights are violated by the police and the army on a daily basis.

You know how people on Third World hellholes aren't very informed and all. Many do believe that the army isn't corrupted and that any acts of evil committed by them are justified and necessary. But what can you expect from a country where the four must trusted institutions are the family, the Catholic Church, the army and - don't laugh - the Presidency?

Calderon's federal government is declaring a de facto martial law and sending the army to the streets in violation of our rights. They enter homes illegally, steal, threaten journalists and treat civilians as their subordinates and the supporters of this President are just happy that something is being done. And when you criticize him they go all "It's very easy to criticize but what would you do?"

But I am not grateful. Even though crime is tough, going back to the times where police where on the street and people where under their command is not the answer. That's not freedom, therefore it's not worth it.

I hope Calderon fails miserably, because if he succeeds there will be no reason left to live and work.

So, like I said at the beginning, following American politics is so much more fun!

Original article found at: http://p3epesblog.blogspot.com/2009/02/mexico-is-on-its-way-to-becoming.html
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[1334441941] The holocaust is a hoax

No.19710 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Educate yourselves, do not adhere to wartime propaganda!

Did 6 Million Really Die? By: Richard Verrall - http://pastebin.com/2aN5pYG7 (Full Text)
http://www.holohoax101.com - Contains information on debunking the Holocaust
http://www.holocaustdenialvideos.com- ; Holocaust Denial Videos - 9 hours of free web video about how the holocaust is a hoax
http://www.codoh.com - CODOH - Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
http://www.nazigassings.com - Nazi Gassings - Nazi Gassings Never Happened!
http://www.holocaustdenier.com - Holocaust Denier - Holocaust Denial page, links to films such as "The Last Days of the Big Lie"
http://www.vho.org - The World's Largest Historical Revisionism Website
http://www.ihr.org/ - The Institute for Historical Review
http://www.revisionists.com/revisionism.html - What is Revisionism?
http://zioncrimefactory.com/the-six-million-myth/ - The Six Million Myth
http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/ - Exposing the fraudulent testimony of Elie Wiesel
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ID:m1VdS6mr No.12272 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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[1184713671] Hitler was a Bum

ID:1xxPaNsB No.10709 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hitler was once a filthy bum. He was a starving artist, down and out, in the streets, cuz he was lazy and couldn't even do art right. He could paint postcard pictures of scenes in Vienna, but that was just about it. He once made friends with Jews and was helped quite a bit by Jews, who gave him clean clothes and stuff as charity. But he was a nationalist. So he made friends with other nationalists. Trouble was, those nationalists - and their literature - were quite antisemitic...
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