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Threads by latest replies - Page 10


'Sup, /r9k/.

!!5aRZ6Xec6 No.8154888 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's been a long time since I played this game...a long time. My N64 bit the dust a while back, and only now have I used an emulator to nostalgia the shit out of my teen years.

Figured I'd involve /r9k/ in this fun. First post ending in 3 names my profile, NO EXCEPTIONS.
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!!CVD5ZsOp1 No.8082383 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So who's the biggest loser around here? An inverted e-penis contest, if you will.

23 years old
- Made out with a girl about 5 years ago; furthest I've ever gotten.
- Live at home
- No drivers license (though I'm taking lessons atm)
- Normally spend about 14 to 16 hours a day behind my computer.
- 200 gigs of porn

Try to beat that, normalfag.
(And don't forget to greet Peter).
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!!GUJgcWVW8 No.8076040 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
like my bottlegarden?
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!x5seZemSO6 No.7948934 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey robots, I'm a big fan of the "ask a _____ anything" threads, so I figured I'd start one of my own.

So, ask an abortion provider/sex ed teacher anything.
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Today I did something really bad..

!!dbdLh2ov8 No.7757183 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is probably the worst thing I've ever done. I don't know why I did it or what I thought I'd achieve.

/r9k/... I kickflipped a pigeon at the train station.
I don't mean I kickflipped over it on a skateboard, I mean I kickflipped THE pigeon.

Worst of all I shouted KICKFLIP! at the top of my voice while doing it.

I was with 3 friends and I didn't expect to land on it.

I got slapped by the girl I know then ran away as the pigeon was squawking.

My friends pretty much think I'm scum now and I can't make them see the funny side.

TBH there wasn't much of a funny side. I guess the concept was good had I not landed on the fucking thing.

tl;dr I jumped on a pigeon in front of my friends and shouted "KICKFLIP" then got slapped and ran away. How do I fix this shit?

Fuck this.
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Gather ye round, and hear the tale I have to tell

!CXVgBy2TsU No.7758683 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Athens, Greece
267 BC

Few times in this city's history have the barbarians made it past the gates, so to speak. But today, General Heruli and his thugs are burning everything in sight.

For thousands of years, Athens has been a place for the intellectual, for the lofty thinkers and artisans of the classical world. It is here that some of the greatest acheivments in human history have been made. But Heruli's men don't care about these things. They are taken by insatiable bloodlust. So they pillage and burn and rape with impunity as helpless citizens scramble for refuge that doesn't exist.

Athens is crumbling.

In a temple near the city center, a priest is down on bended knees before a great marble statue. The horrible din of destruction is drawing nearer with every moment, and he knows his time is short. If Athens is to be saved -- if there is any hope remaining for this once-great city -- he knows that he must work quickly.

The statue is pure and white, pristine, just like the goddess it iconifies. Standing at a hundred feet, it is a fitting embodiment of the city's namesake, its first and most important patron: Athena.

For now this monument stands dormant. But the priest kneeling before it knows how to summon Athena Herself from Mount Olympus and imbue the immobile stone with Her living essence. It is sacred knowledge, passed down through generations by the highest order of temple scholars, and is only ever to be used in the most dire circumstances. To call Athena down from her throne for a trifle would mean certain death. Even calling Her down for this, the destruction of Her city, is a risk. But the priest must take it. There is nothing else to be done.
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!SWEDE/O0F. No.7743764 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT The awkwardest thing that happened today, presented by greentext.

>Gaze aimlessly on train
>realize you're looking at a hard-gay black man
>look away
>look at him again
>he nods
>arrive at your stop, which is coincidentally his stop
>miss your stop
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!Mb55.Hx76o No.7354483 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: We act as if there are only females on /r9k/.
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!xyWyVn95HA No.7321734 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
the last time i saw a thread like this it made my day... could we please have a retard story thread?

This big fat down syndrome kid at my school LOVED Queen, particularly Freddie Mercury. His name was Tom. One day for assembly, the head of our grade [yr 12] allowed him to make a 'special' presentation for the school. He drew a shitty mustache on his face and wore a curly hair wig and called himself 'Tommie Mercury' but he couldn't get the cd player working and flipped out and everyone started laughing. Next thing I know all the year 8ers in the front crowd were screaming and ran everywhere. Turns out he got pissed off at the laughing and THREW THE FUCKING CD PLAYER INTO THE CROWD AND SHAT HIMSELF. A couple of kids got hurt pretty bad, because the CD player was one of those huge ghetto blasters that the school had been using since the 90's. It smashed a girl so hard in the face the face plate of it smashed into pieces and the thing had to be thrown away.

Your turn!
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Dumbest things ever to come out of a persons mouth.

!6mvmNVD6E6 No.7234141 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm curious /r9k/, whats the dumbest thing you've ever heard someone say?

Dumbest things I've ever heard: "You can't be racist against your own race."

"Blinking is not another form of closing your eyes because when you blink your eyes you don't see darkness."
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