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Threads by latest replies - Page 20

No.460916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It;dr Deaf guy here want to know your opinion about deaf people traveling
Hey /trv/, I want to let you know some information about myself. I am profoundly deaf with cochlear implant. With this expensive device, it enables me to hear. Even the robotically hearing, I only can speak and hear somewhat poorly but yet understandable by people who live in US. Other than that fact, I am very fluent in sign language. I am planning to travel around the world for more than 6 months and maybe more. I will be traveling with two other deaf friends.
The question is, will I have a difficult time as deaf person when traveling?
I mean…Can you imagine three deaf people traveling in some strange country using sign language in public. My gut is telling me that it will be one of the most unique thing local will ever seen in their live. My mind is filled with questions such as what locals will think/do? Will they approach us with curiously? Will we get laid? Being deaf make a bigger target for muggers? You get the idea.
11 posts and 1 image omitted

No.460276 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
so im traveling around the world and I cant decide where to go next.

Im in amsterdam.

Where to?

preferably somewhere I can get to for under 150 euro.

anyone been to any cool Euro cities?
1 post omitted

No.461087 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will most hostels in Australia have computers that I could use to dump pictures from an SD card to my external HDD?

I'm trying to figure out if I should get one or two 32GB cards.

No.460993 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear /trv/

Tomorrow I am embarking on a high school exchange program.

I'll go to Japan and live in Osaka with a host family for 8.5 months.

What the hell have I signed up for.
I do not speak any japanese at all, because I procrastinate like hell so communication will be almost non-existent.

9 posts omitted

Roman Parties?

No.461207 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
OK /trv/, my parents are going through that "phase" again where they want to go on a family vacation (I am 21, been away from home for 3 years). So long story short, I will be in Rome for the first few weeks of July. Assuming I can shake my parents, how should I go about finding a group of friends about my age that are down to party and have a good time? I want to see through the eyes of a real Italian, if only just for a couple nights. I assume going to a nightclub by myself is awkward, I would much rather go with some chill people who can double as translators (do most people speak english there?)
I am a Hollywood born party boy, anybody know if there is much overlap in the party scene?

TL;DR - Ditching parents in Rome to find group to party with at night. Do not want touristy shit, want to experiencethe REAL rome.

!!JGvXlw691mQ No.460573 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, guys. Have any of you ever hiked the Appalachian Trail, if not just part of it? I did the Approach Trail to Springer, and from Springer to Woody Gap last summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to going back this summer and doing 40 miles from where I left it.

Pic related.