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Threads by latest replies - Page 9

[1133131403] Do films overuse music?

No.1262 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's pretty typical of a Hollywood film today for nearly every dramatic second(not just a pause) to contain some snippet of soundtrack implying mood, rising and falling with every little incident. I've gotten to thinking lately that this is overdoing it; I like the asthetics commonly used in films from the 70s and before where a lot of scenes are nearly silent, or the only sounds to follow are from the actors.

I don't really mean that film scores should be thrown out, though; they can work effectively, it's just that in recent years they seem to be overstaturated and insulting to the audience.
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[1142274217] Dumb and Dumber

No.1868 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
No one cares about Jim Carrey anymore, people might care about his other roles when he's dead, maybe that's what he wants but he was better in comedy, in the 90s. truth
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[1111255071] Movies:What you thought of before they sucked

No.488 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You hear a movie is going to be out.  You might read some information or a brief summary.  You might see a short preview or ad.  You might even see the DVD available in stores because you've never heard of it.

What were your initial impressions before you ever watched the actual film?  What did you think would happen, what did you imagine happening that didn't, and what did you expect to feel from the movie?

-Star Wars Episode I:  Lightsaber fights and blaster fights would be the most impressive so far.  Strange pink creature makes basic noises and does not speak, and probably doesn't get much screen time.  Mysterious wise creatures with backpacks hike through a misty forest.  New red faced Sith character subtly influences Anakin, affecting him years later.

-Star Trek Nemesis:  An intelligent enemy threatens the Enterprise.  His origins involve Borg technology and independence from the collective, and he can take control of entire fleets from different worlds to threaten the Federation.  Cameo appearance by DS9 and the homecoming Voyager.  Major characters are killed, including Wesley, Guinan, Barclay, and Spot the cat.

-The Village:  A remote village encounters supernatural creatures who resemble Tonberries from Final Fantasy.  They kill without mercy, leading to many freaky but artistic scenes involving human corpses and pretty clothing.  The village must subtly deal with the creatures by affecting their psyche, but ultimately they become angered and attack in bizarre fits of anger.

-The Sixth Sense:  Dead people walk around, without realizing they're dead.  They have conversations, interact with each other, and have different reactions to their current situation.  The kid dies.

-Street Fighter:  Adaptation of the basic Street Fighter plot, with unfortunately cheap effects and acting, but at least faithful to the plot and characters.

-From Hell:  Close adapation of the graphic novel that reveals so many Freemason conspiracy theories that the movie becomes mysteriously shut down and removed from all theatres.

-Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2:  An interesting exploration of the "family" from the first movie, a sort of "meet the hideously deformed rotting old people with bad table manners."  Bizarre, grotesque, but still watchable.

-The One:  Finally, a martial arts movie that ushers in a new era of special effects with amazing choreography, sci-fi concepts, and plot that seems fresh and thought provoking.  Martial arts movies are then taken as a serious genre, worked on by famous directors who contribute with amazing scripts without fear of being laughed at.

-Dungeons and Dragons:  Finally, a fantasy movies that ushers in a new era of amazing epic plot, special effects, top notch acting, and a detailed view of what fantasy worlds are really like from a roleplayer's perspective.  Fantasy movies are then taken seriously, not laughed at for cheap effects and bad acting.  A Magic the Gathering movie soon follows.  

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[1370687518] /tv/ has gone to shit

No.15270 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This board is now a refuge for oldfags.
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[1143085069] The Office

No.1967 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else enjoy the Office? I'm talking about the original one and not the shitty American remake.
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[1142266499] Space Jam

No.1865 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Space Jam,
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[1234499806] supernatural

No.6580 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
where's my supernatural thread
i left it here and this is where threads linger and never actually die
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[1112084492] New Doctor Who

!YXzbg2XOTI No.520 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anybody catch/download the new Dr. Who series? Seems and feels great like the classical ones. Discuss.
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[1374249177] Simpsons in Family Guy crossover

!3lWjo8kf8k No.15351 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Simpsons are set to meet the Griffins in a crossover episode of Family Guy next year.

Fox announced the two families would meet in an episode titled The Simpsons Guy, where the Griffins take a road trip and end up in Springfield.


[1368426743] Memory Lane

No.15176 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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