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Threads by latest replies - Page 17

No.10818381 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /x/.

For the past 4 or so years, a demon has been using sex in order to manipulate and control me, all towards the final goal of getting my soul.

It wasn't strong at first. As time went on, the more it fed, the more it was able to do. It's always the same vicious cycle. It deprives me of sleep. Keeps me awake at night, until I don't know right from left, until I completely lack all logic and reason. While doing so, or after I am near unconscious, it begins to fill my brain with pornographic images and sensations. I am barraged by sex. Of all kinds. Sometimes the scenarios are downright strange and awful.

Then it starts to fuck me. And by this point I'm so tired and so pumped up I want it, and badly. I fight it all I can but it's so hard to say no. It screws me for hours. While doing so, it speaks to me. Not out loud. I don't hear it like I hear a person. Telepathically. It's incredibly manipulative. Smooth talking. Intimidating. Terrible. I hate it. It takes baby steps, pushing me further and further each day, praising me for obedience. When I try to fight it......bad things happen.

I have woken up with bruises and scratches. I often get bruises on my wrists, as if something was holding them tightly. Other people have felt its presence. It messes with electrical appliances in our house. Everything has gone nuts. It bangs on the walls. My friends have heard it and it scared the crap out of them. It has pinched and burned people in my room.

If this is some sort of mental illness, I've never heard anything like it before. I am at the point where I actually desperately hope this is schizophrenia. But all other aspects of my life are normal. I hide the fact that I am raped and tortured mentally and emotionally daily, and it is killing me.

I come here for advice. What do I do? How do I stop it? I'll give any information you need. I'm desperate. I can't take this anymore.
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No.10776008 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>at work
>worked for a call center taking customer complaints
>talking with old man
>he is mad at me
>i cant do anything else to help him
>he is mad
>very mad
>whispers "Silence is silence come to me my sheep"
>the phone disconnects
>my computer freezes
>everyone stands up cause there calls disconnected
>i get a call saying they had to freeze all the systems and disconnect the phones
>boss calls me in
>i caused a massive breach in security by letting my friend in the call center
>"I did not let anyone into the call center"
>we saw him watching you and listening to your call
>he tells me to leave i am terminated for breaching security
>no one saw the man standing next to me
>my friend he listens to calls and watches the cameras while we are on calls
>says "that old guy just vanished after everyone stood up, who was the guy whispering into your phone?"
>i left the job and did not dispute the claim i just left.
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Giger thread?

No.10794541 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Giger Thread!
48 posts and 46 images omitted

No.10768055 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The creepiest Creepy Pasta and pictures you have. If they don't scare you, don't post them. Also post your reasons to why they frighten you.
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No.10769372 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Original post: >>10761265

The old thread will no longer bump. The story of a purported NASA engineer who discovered, along with his co-worker, a possible FTL radio on the Spirit Rover on Mars.

The old thread was derailed by a debate between a UFO skeptic and a UFO believer that was apropos of absolutely nothing and prevented any serious discussion. They were tireless and apparently immune to sleep or boredom with their facile argument. I really think they might have been disinfo.

Let's please, just for the sake of argument, consider this story not as creepypasta but as possible primary source documentation of a government conspiracy.
215 posts and 29 images omitted

No.10759836 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Movies that actually scared us

>The ring
>Paranormal activity 3
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No.10762134 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Alright /x/, I've got a game for you.

1: Go to existor.com

2. You MUST ask paranormal questions and conspiracy questions only

3. Post results

4. Have fun
305 posts and 62 images omitted

NASA and Mars

No.10761265 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The experience I’m about to relate marked the beginning of the end of my NASA work, the end of the beginning of my awakening. The transparent and noble institution I believed I knew was hiding something.

I was at JPL on a project when a colleague of mine in the unrelated MER program was working a Spirit glitch. Spirit is one of the two rovers still operating on Mars. Spirit’s expected mission was for a little over 90 days long, but six years later the rover is still operating. Spirit has performed well beyond expectations, but even the best robot is going to have its off days. One of these off days was in late January 2009. My friend and colleague, who I’ll call Rich, was a senior software engineer on the team tasked with maintaining the mobility flight software, the code that controlled the rover’s movements and experiments.

Spirit had refused an instruction. It had been sent instructions to move, it acknowledged receipt of those instructions, but it did not move. In and of itself that was not highly unusual, the rover is given license to ignore move requests it does not believe it can fulfill successfully or safely. But not only did Spirit not move, its non-volatile flash memory was missing data about its motionless hours. Through a separate subsystem they were able to estimate that it had been awake for at least an hour during the gap, but what it had been doing or why it had decided not to move was unknown. Imaging before and after the event showed no change, cameras, IDD, suspension values, terrain; all were the same. This was the mystery my colleague and his team were engaged in solving. Why did the rover ignore its command to move? Why did the rover record nothing? Presumably the one question would answer the other.
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No.10758914 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I am not a troll. I am not insane, and no, this is not copy pasta.
This is a first hand account of my experience with an extra terrestrial and even though it might seem unbelievable and downright absurd, I decided to come here to tell you guys about it because I have never told anyone before and I suddenly just felt compelled to get it all off my chest, and I figure this is the best place if any to do it.

This is real. I am real. He is real. So here it goes.

It was June 20th, 2007 and I lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
I was 17 and had just finished High School, so naturally I was in high spirits, out celebrating and fucking shit up with friends. After a night of partying and profuse drinking I managed to get myself home safely. Our house was a little ways off of the main college campus, and behind our back yard we had about 3 miles of dense woods that I would frequently wander about and get high in. It was about 4am and I decided to take a stroll out there before I went inside to crash for the night.

I remember stumbling about until I came to the familiar clearing with my usual sitting stump, so I sat, rolled a blunt and took out my iPod to listen to some music. I forget exactly how much time had passed but not long after, I remember something above catching my attention, when I looked up I saw these three purple lights in the sky, arranged in a V formation. It looked close, like whatever it happened to be was flying really low. Immediately I sobered the fuck up and turned off my music.
As I stared at it, I was able to make out the craft, It was triangular in shape, and the lights were situated on the bottom in a vertical fashion.
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No.10732998 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
why no nope thread?

>Hear knocking outside while I'm playing Amnesia.
>Look out the window of my room
>See some kid run around the corner
>Ignore it go back to vidya
>Hear stuff in the living room
>Sneak there with a baseball bat
>There's a guy on the couch with bloody hands lying face down and breathing heavily
>Go back into room and lock it
>He knocks on my door a few times
>Try to call police but my phone died
>Scramble around my room for the charger
>Have to wait 5 minutes while a continous knocking on my door never missing a beat
>Soon as they ask me what my emergency is the knocking stops and I hear the front door open and close
>Call police anyway
>They never caught him

Single most brick shitting experience in my life.
>Sneak back to my room
220 posts and 31 images omitted