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Threads by latest replies - Page 18

True Scary Paranormal Camping Stories

No.10719338 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Creepy paranormal experiences camping
Here's mine
>Camping with 2 friends
>In the middle of Maine
>Nearest house is at least 50 miles away
>Its getting pretty cold even though its the middle of the summer and the temperature around that time was in the mid 90's even at night
>Its pretty late and my friend falls asleep
>I start to hear some noises out side far away
>every lets say 3 minutes the sound happens and seems to be getting louder
>still i don't think much of it
>We have weapons and i camp a lot and know many things about animals
>the sound is similar to that of a coyote
> My Car was pretty far away though
> I heard the sound again this time much closer, still not right near our tent but i was getting scared
> I look over at my friend and i shake him a little bit
> I Tell him about the noise
> He tells me to STFU and go to sleep
> Its getting much closer now and is starting to sound like a human, but with a messed up voice..
> I freeze in my sleeping bag Im scared shitliss what ever it is it's right outside our tent.
> Its shadow is small about the size of a German Shepherd
> But it has what appears to be the body of a young child
>his arms look messed up and crooked, but you know how shadows can be.
> It started screaming pretty loud waking up my friend
>It sounded ... evil
> It sounded like it was trying to say english
> I shit my pants literally
> Me and My Friend just looked at each other, pale as hell frozen with fear
> Then we heard rustling noises and it left
with some screams
> We were frozen in hear the next 10 mins
> We run to my car
> Leave all our stuff behind
> Last time I camp in Maine
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No.10708521 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Could we possibly get a Creepy Shit that's happened to you while Driving Thread?

Here's one that happened in June.

>Driving on a back way road, 2AM.
>Notice up ahead that two lights are up front.
>Ignore it thinking it's another car.
>Suddenly, the two lights come together and make a sharp turn right vanishing.
>Pull up and stop where it turned, it's all woods.
>Speed through the rest of the road.
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Pissed off Intelligence Spook

No.10732415 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/x/, I humbly present myself as an intelligence analyst with the DoD. After years of disgruntled service I have reached my "fed up with bullshit" mark and wonder, WTF do I do? I want to change this paradigm to something worth believing in, I want to be part of the solution rather than part of the horrific machine that rapes and plunders humanity.

Also, ask an intel guy anything.
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No.10699833 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
local myths/legends?
post em' no matter how dumb or silly

buffalo here
there's a "pigman" road that's supposed to be haunted by a crazy guy who escaped a lab and then killed his girlfriend or something
always sounded dumb to me
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No.10705151 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey, /x/.

I posted this on here awhile ago, and it got a little attention, but I have quite a bit more content developed now so I figured I'd start a new thread.

This might belong on /3/, but since the game is very much related to the paranormal, I figured I'd post it here.

I'm developing a survival-horror game named Trinity. It's based off of a short story I wrote some time ago, but since then, world of Trinity has expanded a lot and I've decided to take it a step further. The game focuses on atmosphere and the "odd" side of horror (think Silent Hill) rather than relying on jump-scares and gore. The game is also heavily story-driven, and utilizes many aspects of psychological thriller as well.

I'm close to completing a playable demo (which will be free obviously, as will the full game), which I'll upload and let you guys test out if you'd like. In the meantime, I've collected a bunch of screenshots from some of the levels I've designed. I'll be dumping them here if anyone's interested. Feel free to ask any questions in the thread if you have them.

If not, let the thread 404 and be consumed by skellingtons.

Project specs:
-Uses Unreal Engine
-Uses default meshes combined with custom meshes
-Self-composed sountrack
-First person (possibly third-person toggle)
-Will be fully voice acted
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Out of place things/events you've encountered in daily life

No.10679510 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>heading to school bus like any other day in neighborhood
>reach bus stop
>suddenly, silence
>no wind, no bugs, no cars, no people; like all life just vanished
>i get this horrible, unexplainable feeling that something is behind me
>it's getting closer
>it's right behind me; i swear i hear breathing
>"don't leave please"
>suddenly, blasted by noise
>school bus arrived, huge honking
>bus guy was asked why i spaced out for a minute straight when he arrived, he was about to leave
>"you were just looking completely blank faced at me, i was getting pretty pissed"
>still had that awful feeling i was being watched until i boarded that bus, then it was gone

I still don't know what the fuck happened.
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No.10679528 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: reality glitches, memories you have that make no sense, creepy childhood memories etc

one memory that sticks out to me is lying in my bath staring at the ceiling which was all distorted as i am underwater, breathing perfectly normally. lolwut?
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No.10638892 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello fellow /x/ers, can we get a nope thread going? im looking for interesting stories to read.
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No.10642926 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ok let me see if i've got this straight...

Back in the primordial soup of ideas that pre-empted the creation of the planet earth there lived (possibly) in alternate dimensions beyond time, a range of intelligent matterless sentient entities with agendas and histories who's comprehension is probably unfathomable to our human minds and ability to imagine the infinite.

Even during the million year reign of the wild beasts who ruled earth for countless eons, these entities might possibly have strayed into the mental dimensions of the collective unconscious of the promordial animals of earth,.. playing out their wills against each other, in their plight to control the future of earth's species. They may have even killed the dinosaurs and shaped the evolution of our ape ancestors, fostering their will upon our futures to raise us in their image and likeness, for purposes unknown.

Some human civilisations (like Ancient Greece) managed to rise into healthy democratic havens of communication with these dimensions, which conversed with the hidden world and these other dimensional entities, even trying to map out their complex family trees and relationships... in order to create a better relationship between the human world and the entities of the hidden dimensions....

Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, some entities were not satisfied merely communicating with the humans but wanted to dominate the entire earthly species and have them worship them alone. The great fearful entity Yahweh for one example, fought to abolish and make illegal any communications from other entities in the hidden dimensions with the creatures of earth, and thus vowed great punishments upon those who denounced his universal theocracy.
(To be continued..)
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No.10607564 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
i am a slim man. i am tall as tree. please to ask me your question.
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