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Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.

Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).

Threads by latest replies - Page 20

No.17279094 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /g/
Where can I download a virus safely and put it on a USB and inject it to someone else's computer?
3 posts omitted

No.17278775 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, br/o/ here. I am looking into building my computer for the first time. I found a good combo deal on newegg which gives basically what I want.
630w power supply
Raidmax Helios case (Don't care about case and has 4 fans)
P67 motherboard
4gb ram
1 tb harddrive
dvd writer drive.
on top of that I'm going to add a HD6950 2gb. $260
1080p 23.6" monitor
Windows 7 and Microsoft office
$220 (Parents paying)
8 posts omitted

Playstation Conspiracy Theory

No.17276531 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I went to /v/ but threat move too fast and this is /g/ related. I Have a theory about the outside intrusion breach. Its a lied from Sony because they want to kill off the PlayStation asap.... they already loosing profits from day one since the introduction of PS3.... So when the PS3 goes bankrupt this year, they will be making video games for the New Nintendo console coming out this year. I believed Sony boss and Nintendo boss have some kind of a secret alliance to work together on the new Nintendo console... PS3 is already in trouble and now they said a security breach intrusion just to kill of the PS3 asap... Sony will still be making money by making video games for the new Nintendo Console but they will be no PS4 or any console by Sony since the PS3 did so poorly... now Sony will be working with Nintendo
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No.17276242 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, /g/ents - what do you think? I'm pretty shit at this, but I think this is alright. I'd love to hear any suggestions.

Also, would getting 8gb of RAM for a computer of this caliber be full retard?

Thank you in advance!
23 posts and 1 image omitted

No.17276671 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys!

Russian anon itt. I'm requesting good sites about IT.
1) It should be some kind of blog sphere or mass-media (so it should be both interesting and professional)
2) It should be popular enough

The Internet is large, so, please, help me. This is important for my work. My russian brothers didn't say anything (they just ignor me!).
11 posts omitted

No.17278925 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i wasnt sure where to post this but i usually post in /g/ and i notice a few threads about rss readers and i want to start subscribing to some rss feeds but i dont know which one(s).

A mod can move this to a more appropriate section if necessary.

what i want is to be alerted of things like
world leader or well known figure killed
two or more countries go to war or have a large incident
huge man made or natural disaster happens
huge scientific breakthroughs

what i dont want to know is:
celebrities (unless they die)

No.17278981 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What irc client do you use /g/

>pic related

Desperatly need Demonoid invite

No.17278965 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey I need a Demonoid invite.

This isn't just to DL shitty games or music.
I need it to DL CISSP study materials. I'm taking my test in a week. So any help is appreciated.


No.17278805 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/g/ I'm looking for computer speakers. I'm thinking 5.1, just because I've never had 5.1 anything before. Price range is hopefully less than $150, I was planning on going with the logitech Z506 (Pic related)

What should I get and why?
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