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Threads by latest replies - Page 23

No.14784816 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
These are the racial ability sets for the system I'm working on. I'd like you to tell me which of them look like they'd be compelling to play with. I'm not looking for balance advice, since obviously none of you know the system.

A few notes - bonus dice are skills, the game has freeform skill names and rewards being overly specific. Aspects are short phrases about your character that can be invoked for bonuses or used against you in exchange for a bribe from the GM. Scene abilities are things you get to add to a location when the GM is describing a location - "You visit a small hammlet" "It has a blacksmith". Tactical abilities are similar things that let you add a detail when the GM draws a combat map.
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No.14778278 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So guys, last time i created this thread we got to over 400 replies, so i say it was a success.

So, tell us about your local GW, tell us about the wirdest shit that happened in there, greentex stories etc.

tldr: GW store general.
198 posts and 29 images omitted

rough setting idea

No.14777527 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
on a generic fantasy world, humans slowly developed widespread psionic ability and eventually its use took precedence. Human civilization grew to eclipse all others, and the gods of the other races decided one by one to direct their followers away to safety in secret places, other worlds or planes of existence, or a final desperate but futile battle against man.

It was during this period that several deities realized they were growing weaker. the psionic philosophy of power from within meant a growing disinterest in prostrating oneself to a distant deity.

Worse still was one gods’ discovery that psionic power was, if not very closely linked to, the very energy drawn from the mortal devotion that sustained them. The greatest psionic workings were even draining away the prayer-energy of their remaining clergy. The metaphysical leeching might one day reach all the way to the outer planes, resulting in deicide – while simultaneously granting the humans apotheosis.

Several gods began planning together on how to prevent this...
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No.14788104 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've backed myself into a corner here, guys.
I need to figure out exactly how much force is required to pull an average human male's head off. That's PULL, not cut, shear or twist. I have no idea how to calculate something like that, and no idea where I might look it up.
CIA Factbook, maybe?
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No.14695376 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Sisters%20of%20Battle

Chapter 2 pt1: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/12385200/

Chapter 3 pt6.5: http://archive.easymodo.net/tg/thread/14230812

The novices scrambled to their positions as you charged at the snake attacking Caramel, Tessa at your heels. The creature screamed as one of the bolter rounds ripped through its eye, turning its attention to the initiates and their bolters.

It didn't notice you until you were already upon it. Your blade bit deeply into the wound made by the sollex blade, the broad blade lodging itself partway in the hole. You focused, the blade crackling with psykic energy, an acidic burnt smell filling the air. The daemon screamed, thrashing wildly, flinging you quite a distance.

You managed to catch yourself with your powers before you hit the ground, turning your gaze back to the battle.

Tessa had engaged the centepede, knowing full well that the spinning teeth of her chainsword would not be able to bite into the beast's smooth body. Instead she swung at the daemon's legs, cutting several off before jumping back. She repeated the process several times, slowing the creatue. A few of the novices' bolter rounds had managed to punch through several of the minute gaps in the creature's armor, slowing it further.

Something flickered at the corner of your eye. You turned in time to see Rodwen launch a tempest of warp lighting at the creature just as Tessa jumped away. The creature spasmed as lighting arced off its body, its huge mass collapsing to the ground, stunned.
89 posts and 1 image omitted

AT-43 Rules

No.14784722 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
To the best of my understanding this game works with the "you go I go" mechanic of unit activation on each turn. Some time ago the rules were released as a set of free PDFs but it seems like the company website, and all links to copies of rules are dead. Would anyone mind explaining this to me a little so that I might be able to figure out if I would like the game?

No.14786091 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Im considering doing a squad of tau auxilary marines, with tau shoulderpads instead of PAULDRONS.
Has anyone else already done/seen this?
I want to see pics of how it will look before i waste my cash on bitz.
94 posts and 20 images omitted